Yahoo Αναζήτηση Διαδυκτίου

Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης

  1. 25 Ιουλ 2017 · Abstract. Islam has a strong legal foundation, the Al-Quran is one of them. Democracy is often defined as respect for human rights, participation in decision-making and equality before the law.

  2. Abstract. In the relationship between Islam and the state it is necessary to clarify the political decision of the ruler over the political role of Islam. As the majority religion in Indonesia, it is only natural that Islam becomes part of the relations in the political decision of the ruler.

  3. TINJAUAN PRINSIP-PRINSIP DEMOKRASI DALAM HUKUM ISLAM. Lukman Hakim. Institut Agama Islam Abdullah Said Batam. Abstract. Islamic relations with democracy to this day are still a topic often discussed by Islamic scholars.

  4. Pasca Amandemen UUD 1945, Konstitusi menentukan bahwa penyelenggaraan negara menganut prinsip supremasi hukum (bukan supremasi parlemen) dan prinsip demokrasi yang bedasarkan UUD 1945 (konstitusionalisme), sehingga setiap kebijakan ditentukan oleh hukum. Lihat Pasal 1 ayat (2) dan ayat (3) UUD 1945.

  5. Di samping musyawarah ada hal lain yang sangat penting dalam masalah demokrasi, yaitu konsensus atau ijma, Konsensus memainkan peranan yang menentukan dalam perkembangan hukum Islam dan memberikan sumbangan sangat besar pada korpus hukum atau tafsir hukum.

  6. Islam, as a comprehensive religion, does not recognize the dichotomy between religion and the state, politics, and democracy. As a religion, Islam possesses universal doctrines on the matter of state, politics and democracy which also become parts of thead-din al-Islami.

  7. Penguatan legitimasi dan peran ulama, serta komitmen para sultan dalam sistem pemerintahan melalui lembaga peradilan dan jabatan qadhi, mufti, dan syaikh al-Islam menjadi penopang utama praktik formalisasi hukum Islam dalam pemerintahan kesultanan-kesultanan di Nusantara. Kata Kunci: Akar Historis; Formalisasi Hukum Islam; Nusantara. Pendahuluan .

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