Yahoo Αναζήτηση Διαδυκτίου

Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης

  1. Sabiex il-provvista ta’ servizzi pubbliċi eċċellenti f’ambjent delegat. permezz tal-proċess ta’ ħatriet pubbliċi li jħarsu l-prinċipji tal-mertu u l-ekwita’, u l-eżerċizzju ta’ proċeduri dixxiplinarji ġusti u effiċjenti fis-Servizz Pubbliku ikunu żgurati permezz ta’ monitoraġġ u skrutinju kontinwu.

  2. The Public Service Commission home page

  3. The Public Service Commission, or the PSC as it is commonly known, is an independent statutory body established in terms of article 109 of the Constitution of Malta. The Constitution assigns to the Commission responsibility for staffing and discipline in the Public Service.

  4. Commission for Public Service. The Public Service Commission, or PSC, is an independent statutary body established in accordance with Art. 109 of the Maltese Constitution. The Constitution assigns the PSC as the body in charge of staff and discipline in the public service. READ MORE.

  5. What is the New Hope Scheme? Sustainable mobility action all year round. Seagrass Mapping & Monitoring. MORE NEWS.

  6. Għand People & Standards Division aħna napprezzaw lin-nies u nagħtuhom is-setgħa biex jiksbu Servizz ta’ Eċċellenza għas-Servizz Pubbliku kollu.

  7. Standard Application Form. The application form for recruitment in the Public Service is available for downloading and printing. Download the Application Form in English (English text) or in Maltese (Maltese text).

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