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  1. › wp-content › uploadsArmy Regulation 600–3

    This regulation applies to the Regular Army, the Army National Guard/Army National Guard of the United States, and the U.S. Army Reserve, unless otherwise stated. Also, it applies to appropriated and nonappropriated fund civilian employees.

  2. pumping to wear an optional undershirt (para 36c). o Updates guidance on the carrying of bags and backpacks (para 3–7f). o Provides correction for the rolling of sleeves in the Army Combat...

  3. zulwlqj wr d glylvlrq fklhi zlwklq wkh sursrqhqw djhqf\ ru lwv gluhfw uhsruwlqj xqlw ru ilhog rshudwlqj djhqf\ lq wkh judgh ri frorqho ru wkh flyloldq htxlydohqw 7kh 'hsxw\ &klhi ri 6wdii *± kdv judqwhg d zdlyhu ri sxeolvklqj wklv sdpskohw e\ surylglqj lpphgldwh dffhvv wr fkdqjhv wr wklv sdpskohw e\ surylglqj wkh

  4. DA PAM 6003 Commissioned Officer Professional Development and Career Management This major revision, dated 1 February 2010--o Incorporates desired officer characteristics, under the Officer...

  5. › ard › imagesArmy Command Policy

    This regulation implements DoDI 1020.03, DoDI 1300.17, DoDI 1325.02, DoDI 1325.06; DoDI 1342.22; DoDI 5240.22, DoDI 5240.26, DoDI 5505.18; DoDI 6495.02; DoDI 6495.03, DoDD 1350.2, DoDD 6495.01,...

  6. This regulation prescribes procedures and responsibilities pertaining to off-duty commitments by all active duty personnel and Department of Defense (DOD) civilian employee healthcare practitioners assigned or attached to the U.S. Army Medical Command (MEDCOM) and subordinate activities.

  7. AR 600–20 Army Command Policy This administrative revision, dated 6 November 2014-- ... Army Command Policy *Army Regulation 600–20 Effective 6 November 2014 H i s t o r y .

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