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  1. › loginEMIS - MoE

    Check you are already registered by searching for phone number, EMIS code, Ghana Card number or Staff ID number. Search. Forgoten Password. Sign InRequest for access to EMIS Portal.

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  2. E-monitor atau Emis Monitor Madrasah merupakan laman web yang memiliki fungsi monitoring pendataan melalui laman Emis Madrasah online atau Aplikasi Feeder Emis (AFE).

  3. EMIS are used to generate many key education indicators. If they are designed to identify students with disabilities, then all of the SDG 4 indicators relying on EMIS data can be disaggregated by disability status without any additional data collection. A key issue, though, is how students with disabilities can be accurately

  4. This document, part of the presentation carried out in the Regional Forum on Education Policy in 2021, summarizes and expands on Use of Education Management Information Systems (EMIS) for effective monitoring of SDG4 at national, regional, and global level.

  5. 翻譯

    Google 提供的服務無須支付費用,可讓您即時翻譯英文和超過 100 種其他語言的文字、詞組和網頁。

  6. › p › emis-pendisEmis - Kami Madrasah

    Sebelumnya, Emis pusat meluncurkan Aplikasi Feeder Emis (AFE) yang dapat digunakan secara offline dan terintegrasi dengan database online dengan menggunakan Emis Monitor (E-Monitor). Dengan adanya pembaharuan aplikasi pendataan satu aplikasi yakni EMIS Madrasah 4.0, yang mana sebelumnya terdapat 2 (dua) jenis aplikasi pendataan Emis, yakni Emis ...

  7. emis.kemenag.go.idEMIS

    EMIS. Versi terbaru telah tersedia. Untuk memperbaharui aplikasi, klik disini. Platform Sistem Pendataan Pendidikan di Kementerian Agama.