Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
Throughout the past 45 years since its enactment, the Constitution of 1975 has been revised four times. The first of those revisions, which took place in the year 1986, focused on the institution of the President of the Re-public, whose competences were curtailed by the govern-mental majority then in power.
The general confiscation of property is prohibited. The death penalty shall not be imposed, except in the cases provided by law for felonies perpetrated in time of war and related thereto.
Before assuming the exercise of his duties, the President of the Republic shall take the following oath before Parliament: "I do swear in the name of the Holy and Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity to safeguard the Constitution and the laws, to care for the faithful observance thereof, to defend the national independence and territorial ...
Read the updated and revised Constitution in pdf and ebook format: THE CONSTITUTION OF GREECE - HELLENIC PARLIAMENT as revised by the parliamentary resolution of November 25, 2019 of the IXth Revisionary Parliament
The resulting constitution of 1975 was essentially an entirely new constitution, especially so since it incorporated the outcome of the 1974 plebiscite that established the republic in the place of constitutional monarchy. Nevertheless, it was officially deemed a revision of the 1952 one.
Product: Oxford Constitutions of the World [OCW] Originating from: Greece [gr] Date adopted: 07 June 1975. Content type: National legislation, Current constitutions. Jurisdiction: Greece [gr] Date amended: 27 May 2008. Date in force: 11 June 1975. © 2010 Oxford University Press.
The ICL edition of the Greek Constitution has been checked by George Katrougalos in 1995 and 1996. [Quasi-Preamble] In the name of the Holy and Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity, the Fifth Constitutional Assembly of Greece votes: