Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
15 minutes provided between tests to allow adequate recovery. 1. Prior to walking say to patient: The object of this test is to walk as FAR AS POSSIBLE for 6 minutes. You will walk back and forth along this course (demonstrate one lap) for six minutes. You may slow down if necessary.
Six Minute Walk Test Instructions and Tracking Sheet . 4. Instruct the patient as follows: "The object of this test is to walk as far as possible for 6 minutes. You will walk back and forth in this hallway. Six minutes is a long time to walk, so you will be exerting yourself. You will probably get out of breath or become exhausted.
“The aim of this test is to walk as far as possible for 6 minutes. You will walk along this hallway between the pylons as many times as you can in 6 minutes. I will let you know as each minute goes past, and then at 6 minutes I will ask you to stop where you are. 6 minutes is a long time to walk, so you will be exerting yourself.
Sample instructions: “You are now going to do a six-minute walking test. The object of this test is to walk as quickly as you can for six minutes around the track (or up and down the corridor etc... depending on your track set up) so that you cover as much ground as possible. You may slow down if necessary.
6 Minute Walk Test for Adults with Lower-Limb Amputations. Description: The 6 Minute Walk Test (6MWT) is used to assessaerobic capacity1 and walking function2 in various populations. In patients with lower-limb amputations it can be used to assist with functional level classification3 and prediction of prosthesis nonuse at 1 year follow-up.4
6-Minute Walk Test. The 6-minute walk test (6MWT) assesses the functional capacity of patients with heart failure. Preferred Setting • 30-meter distance • Flat, straight, hard-surfaced corridor • Indoors with comfortable ambient room temperature • 3-meter intervals measured and marked • Ends marked with cones or brightly colored tape
The 6 MWT is performed on a walking track in a facility. The track has been marked at 3-m intervals so that accurate measurement of the walking distance can be performed.