Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
Page 1 of 11 English Legal Terms in Urdu, Roman Urdu A Acceptance تیلوبق qabooliat Action in rem شلانیمیعت taimee naalish Adjourn یوتلم multawe Ad valorem تیلاملا بسح hasb-ul-maliat Adverse Possession ہنافل ا ¨م ہضبق qabza mukhalifana Affidavit یفلح نایب biyaan halfi Aggrieved party قیرف ہرثاتم mutasira fariq ...
Decree Form (Urdu) PDF Decree Form Fard Taleeqa (Urdu) PDF Guardianship Certificate ( Urdu) PDF Janashini (Succession) Certificate (Urdu) Naqal Form/Copy Form (High Court) PDF Naqal...
ABSTRACT OF JUDGMENT- Summary of the court's final decision. Can be used as a lien if you file it with the county recorder. ABSTRACT OF RECORD - Short form of the case. ABUSE – (1) immoderate or improper use; (2) to do physical, sexual, or psychological harm to someone. ABUSE OF PROCESS - Misuse of the power of the court.
Legal terms with urdu - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Law terms
Legal Translation in Urdu تاحϽυصا یϨϯϨاϘ ؑϵϤ Ϯدرا Translator: Amber Khani Editor: Saira Inayatullahii:-) یئاسر( Access یک Ϧا ، ےϨرازگ تϘϮ ϭتاس ےک Ϧا، ےϩϡϤ ےس ؐϯچب/ ےچب اک )ϯہ ہϨ تϨاρح یک ؐϯچب/ ےچب ساپ ےک ϧج( ϧϴدϠاϮ
مقدمہ (Muqadma) means “case.” This term is used in contexts where a legal matter is being discussed or processed in a court. وکیل (Wakeel) is the Urdu word for “lawyer.” This is an essential player in the legal system. عدالت (Adalat) means “court.” This is where legal proceedings take place.
Words tagged under "Legal" List of Urdu words and terms related with "Legal" consisting of definitions, descriptions, elucidations and topical and subject-specific categorizations