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NY State MLS is a statewide real estate Multiple Listing Service covering the whole state. Our member brokers and agents can list properties anywhere in all 62 counties, including all 5 boroughs. The platform is great for appraisers and auctioneers too!
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NY State MLS is the only MLS provider that allows you to...
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NY State MLS Blog. 6/13/2024. MyStateMLS Partners with...
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Our MLS members can show at the top of each one of their...
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Become a member of the NY State MLS website by filling out...
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Sell My House - NY State MLS ... seller form ...
- What is NY State MLS
NY State MLS is the Nationwide MLS that allows you to list...
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What is NY State MLS and My State MLS? NY State MLS is New York's statewide Multiple Listing Service open to all Licensed Real Estate Professionals (Agents, Brokers, Appraisers) that are active in New York.
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When buying or selling a home, your real estate professional may use a Multiple Listing Service (MLS) to find homes for sale or market your property. Here's what you need to know.
An MLS is a database of properties for sale in a regional market, set up by a group of cooperating real estate brokers. The database facilitates marketing of the listed properties, and coordinates sharing of commissions between the listing agents and the agents who bring a buyer for a listed home.
Phone: 800‐379‐0057; Email: support@showingtime.com; Chat: Live chat support; Hours: Mon-Fri from 9am to 10pm & Sat/Sun from 9am to 6pm; Online Help: Tech Training
The multiple listing service, or MLS, is a facility that allows real estate professionals to learn about and share local property listings in support of the interests of clients and customers.