Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
Calcula el costo total de peajes para tu recorrido: Elige una o más autopistas * PR-5 Au. Rafael Torres Ortega PR-20 Exp. Rafael Martínez Nadal PR-22 Exp. José de Diego PR-52 Exp. Luis A. Ferré PR-53 Exp. José Celso Barbosa PR-66 Exp. Roberto Sánchez Vilella PTM Puente Teodoro Moscoso.
Enter the start point, destination, vehicle type, and payment method. The toll calculator provides a toll breakdown, total toll costs, fuel estimates, and rates for each US toll road, turnpike, express lane, bridge, and tunnel - including cash rates, E-ZPass discounts, pay-by-plate tolls, and more.
Calculate routes, tolls and fuel costs for your travel by car, truck, taxi, bus, caravans (with or without a trailer) in Puerto Rico and other states of the US using TollGuru Puerto Rico Toll Calculator- for Free!
La PR-22, también conocida como el Expreso José De Diego, es la más transitada en Puerto Rico con una circulación aproximada de 200 mil vehículos diarios. Se extiende a lo largo de 84 kilómetros, conectando de San Juan hasta Hatillo, a lo largo de 12 municipios por la parte norte de Puerto Rico.
Las autopistas de peaje en P.R., incluidas la PR-5, PR-22, PR-20, PR-52, PR-53, PR-66 y el Puente Teodoro Moscoso, operarán bajo el nombre de Metropistas.
Puerto Rico Highways and Transportation Authority. Version en Español. Expand Map View. View Camera Snapshots. Select any camera from the list and view the latest snapshot. Autoexpreso Online Transactions. Click here to access your Autoexpreso Online account and add funds.
t. e. Autopistas Metropolitanas de Puerto Rico, LLC English: Puerto Rico Metropolitan Expressways —stylized as metropistas English: Metro Expressways — is the public–private partnership, privately held company, and limited liability company that operates PR-5, PR-20, PR-22, PR-52, PR-53, PR-66, and Teodoro Moscoso Bridge on behalf of the ...