Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
Spell level: cleric 6 Innate level: 6 School: conjuration Components: verbal, somatic Range: short (8 meters) Area of effect: caster Duration: 1 hour / level Save: none Spell resistance: no Description: An outsider is summoned to assist the caster. The type of outsider varies with the caster's...
- Hound Archon
Hound archon: These hound-headed angels are the resolute...
- Hound Archon
You summon an outsider to assist you in battle. The type of outsider that appears depends on your alignment: This spell is a strict downgrade compared to the arcane version as it can't be used to paralyze an outsider. Summoned creatures aren't exactly strong but may have some uses for an evil/neutral caster that can protect them.
Lesser Planar Binding: 5 Outsider S ≠ ⛔ Planar Ally: 6 Outsider S ≠ ⛔ Planar Binding: 6 Outsider S ≠ ⛔ Greater Planar Binding: 8 Outsider + S ≠ ⛔ Gate: 9 Outsider + S ≠ ⛔ Epic Spell: Dragon Knight: 10 Dragon C + S ⛔ Epic Spell: Dragon Knight: 10 Undead N + S Epic Spell: Mummy Dust: 10 Undead N S Epic Spell: Planar Conduit ...
30 Οκτ 2024 · Planar Ally: Updated description with what is summoned. Greater Planar Binding: Summon duration increased to 1 hour/level. The summons are not that powerful for a level 8 spell and it matches the lower ones.
My personal preference is using planar ally. The creature summoned depends on one's alignment but any good aligned character gets a strong "fighter" style character to assist in combat with 18 strength, 16 constitution and 16 spell resistance. My advice would be to experiment.
Planar Ally is really a spell for NPCs. Not that you should take it away from your player or anything, but functionally for a player it's saying "please help me out with this situation" to the DM. Everything about what happens after the spell is cast is up to the DM's discretion.
25 Φεβ 2005 · In a roleplay last weekend my priest (Clr14) conjured a Lantern Archon via the Lesser Planar Ally spell. My character wanted to set up the Archon as a guard... Menu