Yahoo Αναζήτηση Διαδυκτίου

Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης

  1. Ca urmare, până la sfârșitul semestrului, toate orele din această sală vor fi relocate în Biblioteca FEAA. Burse de studiu pe sem.1 - 2024-2025 A fost afișată Lista studenţilor beneficiari de bursă de studiu pe semestrul 1 al anului universitar 2024-2025, precum și niște precizări legate de repartizarea acestora.

    • Competiții Studențești

      E.ON da startul celei de-a XI-a ediţii a competiţiei Energy...

    • Orare

      Ora rele FEAA (studii cu frecvență/zi) sunt postate mai jos...

    • Licenta-IF

      Studii de licență-Invățământ cu frecvență ----Currently...

    • Licență-ID

      Sâmbătă, 2 noiembrie voi fi la secretariat în intervalul...

    • Master

      Studii de Master ... ...

    • Doctorat

      La ghişeul BRD, studentul va menţiona următoarele date: -...

    • Autentificare

      you have received you Student ID (henceforth called...

    • International

      Mobilităţi de practică (de lungă durată) ERASMUS; Mobilităţi...

  2. you have received you Student ID (henceforth called "Matricol") and you have access to FEAA's sites and services using the following credentials: user name:

  3. Ασφάλεια λογαριασμού . Πέσατε θύμα υποκλοπής; Κλειδώστε τον λογαριασμό σας άμεσα. H Εθνική Τράπεζα δε θα σας ζητήσει ποτέ τους κωδικούς σας και μην απαντάτε σε e-mail που σας ζητούν προσωπικά στοιχεία.

  4. Sign in to Online Banking and enter your username and password. Next, we’ll need three characters of your memorable information. You’ll be asked to trust your device, this is a security feature.

  5. Log in to your Online Banking account by entering your User ID.

  6. Heritage Online lets you manage your accounts, pay bills, transfer funds, and more–24/7, all from your home computer. Heritage Online banking features include the ability to: Set reminders for payment due dates or confirmations when checks are deposited; Transfer funds between accounts; Activate, block, or re-order your debit card

  1. Γίνεται επίσης αναζήτηση για