Yahoo Αναζήτηση Διαδυκτίου

Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης

  1. reasonable s. makul: This amount is reasonable and adequate, bearing in mind the aims we want to achieve. Ulaşmak istediğimiz hedefler göz önünde bulundurulduğunda bu miktar makul ve yeterlidir. More Sentences: 5: Genel: reasonable s. yeterince: His new car has a reasonable amount of room in the trunk. Yeni arabasının bagajı yeterince ...

  2. reasonable adj (having common sense) (kişi) akıllı, mantıklı s. Go and talk to Jim. He's a reasonable man; I'm sure he'll understand. reasonable adj (satisfactory, fair) makul s. yeterli s. kabul edilebilir s. Tim hands in reasonable work, but he could do better. A hundred pounds seems a reasonable amount to pay for the work Polly has done ...

  3. adjective. sensible. akla yatkın. a reasonable suggestion. willing to listen to argument; acting with good sense. makul, sağduyulu. You will find him very reasonable. fair; correct; which one should or could accept.

  4. reasonable adj. kabul edilebilir: The film had reasonable success in the box office. Film gişede kabul edilebilir bir başarı elde etti. More Sentences: 4: General: reasonable adj. makul: There is no reasonable likelihood of the bodies concerned being of a sufficiently trustworthy character.

  5. İngilizce. Türkçe. Yaygın Kullanım. 1. Yaygın Kullanım. reasonable s. makul. Her excuse sounds reasonable to me. Mazereti bana makul geldi. More Sentences. Genel. 2. Genel. reasonable cost i. makul maliyet. What is important here are reasonable costs and a high degree of safety. Burada önemli olan makul maliyetler ve yüksek derecede güvenliktir.

  6. akla uygun, oldukça, makul bir şekilde ve diğerleri gibi Türkçe dilindeki tüm reasonable çevirilerini bulun.

  7. REASONABLE anlam, tanım, REASONABLE nedir: 1. based on or using good judgment and therefore fair and practical: 2. acceptable: 3. not too…. Daha fazlasını öğren.

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