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Goalbook helps teachers like Eudelia and Mika scaffold instruction to ensure student success in their classrooms.
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Goalbook Toolkit guides educators working with specialized...
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At Goalbook, we have our Guiding Business Principle, which...
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Goalbook empowers our teachers to design standards-aligned...
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Goalbook Toolkit; Goalbook Pathways; Success Stories;...
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The Goalbook University Partnership Program enables...
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Goalbook Toolkit increases teacher capacity throughout the...
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To provide a fully accessible and optimized experience for...
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Goalbook Toolkit guides educators working with specialized student populations to vary the levels of instructional support. Learn more and sign up for: Goalbook Toolkit
Goalbook Toolkit increases teacher capacity throughout the special education process from developing higher quality and standards aligned IEPs through implementing them with more effective specially designed instruction.
Learn how to use Goalbook, a tool that connects the key adults in a student's life to support their education. Watch a brief introduction to Goalbook and how FosterEd uses it for students in the child welfare system.
Sign in to Goalbook Toolkit Draft a Present Levels Statement In this simulation, we demonstrate how to draft a custom present levels statement for a student who has learning barriers in the area...
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In this 45-minute webinar, participants will have the opportunity to explore new features in Goalbook Toolkit and use Goalbook to write data-driven present level statements, find and adapt...