Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
GMT-4 is 1 hour ahead of the time in New York when New York is on standard time, and the same as the time in New York when New York is on daylight saving time. GMT-4 does not change between summer time and winter time. Time difference. from GMT-4. Compare other time zones.
- GMT+4 now
GMT+4 is 9 hours ahead of the time in New York when New York...
- GMT+4 now
GMT+4 is 9 hours ahead of the time in New York when New York is on standard time, and 8 hours ahead of the time in New York when New York is on daylight saving time. GMT+4 does not change between summer time and winter time. Time difference. from GMT+4. Compare other time zones.
Quickly convert Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) to time in Athens, Greece with this easy-to-use, modern time zone converter.
2 ημέρες πριν · GMT-04 is a time offset that subtracts 4 hours from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). It is observed in the AMT, AST, BOT, CLT, COST, FKT, GYT, PYT, VET during standard time, and in the CDT, EDT during the other months (Daylight saving time). Some locations use it year-round.
GMT-4 is 4 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time. The GMT/UTC minus 4 hours offset is used by quite a few countries in the Caribbean, with no change throughout the year, as no Daylight Saving Time is applied. The Eastern Time Zone of USA and Canada only have the -4 offset when Daylight Saving Time is in use.
Current time zone for GMT-4 (Greenwich Mean Time) is GMT-4, whose offset is GMT-4 from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The IANA timezone identifier for GMT-4, Greenwich Mean Time is " GMT-4 ". It currently does not observe Daylight Savings Time.
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