Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
Page 1 of 95 of Instructions 1040 13:24 - 12-NOV-2008 The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing. RECOVERY REBATE CREDIT This credit is reduced by any economic stimulus payment you received. 1040 NOTE: THIS BOOKLET DOES NOT CONTAIN TAX FORMS 2008 www.irs.gov.
EIC 1040 Complete and attach to Form 1040A or 1040 only if you have a qualifying child. c Be sure the child’s name on line 1 and social security number (SSN) on line 2 agree with the child’s social security card. Otherwise, at the time we process your return, we may reduce or disallow your EIC.
All IRS tax forms, instructions, and publications are in the Adobe Acrobat PDF format. All IRS forms, with the exception of the "Information Returns" such as W-2s, and 1099's, are now fill-in capable.
1040 Department of the Treasury—Internal Revenue Service U.S. Individual Income Tax Return For the year Jan. 1–Dec. 31, 2008, or other tax year beginning , 2008, ending , 20 OMB No. 1545-0074 Your first name and initial Last name Your social security number (See instructions on page 14.) L A B E L H E R E
Earned Income Tax Credit Table in one PDF This file has all 8 pages, and is the best file for printing and viewing. If you want to go specifically to the one page you need, you can go to a JPG page or a PDF page.
Use the Summary of EIC Eligibility Requirements Chart in the Volunteer Resource Guide, Tab I, Earned Income Credit, to answer the following questions. Answers follow the lesson summary.
2008 Earned Income Credit (EIC) Table Caution. This is not a tax table. To find your credit, read down the “At least - But less than” columns and find the line that includes the amount you were told to look up from your EIC Worksheet. Then, go to the column that includes your filing status and the number of qualifying children you have.