Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
Standard mileage rates. The 2008 rate for fits provided by this relief include not taxable for federal income tax purposes business use of your vehicle is 501⁄ but reduces your recovery rebate credit. 2 cents a suspended limits for certain personal casu-mile (58 1⁄ 2 cents a mile after June 30, 2008). alty losses and special rules for withdraw-
1040 Department of the Treasury—Internal Revenue Service U.S. Individual Income Tax Return For the year Jan. 1–Dec. 31, 2008, or other tax year beginning , 2008, ending , 20 OMB No. 1545-0074 Your first name and initial Last name Your social security number (See instructions on page 14.) L A B E L H E R E
This page shows Tax-Brackets.org's archived Federal tax brackets for tax year 2008. This means that these brackets applied to all income earned in 2008, and the tax return that uses these tax rates was due in April 2009.
Revision dates are shown either by the tax year or by the month and year they are revised. At the bottom of the page is a search box you can use to search either the entire 2008 Tax Forms area, or the entire site. Our search engine searches inside PDF files. For more information, see Search Our Site.
2008 Tax Rate Schedules The Tax Rate Schedules are shown so you can see the tax rate that applies to all levels of taxable income. Do not use them to figure your tax. Instead, see the instructions for line 44 that begin on page 36. Schedule Z—If your filing status is Head of household Schedule X—If your filing status is Single If your ...
2008 Tax Tables, Tax Rate Schedules, and Tax Computation Worksheet for Line 44, & Instructions for Line 44. Interest and Ordinary Dividends for Form 1040A Filers. Child and Dependent Care Expenses for Form 1040A Filers. Credit for the Elderly or the Disabled for Form 1040A Filers. Itemized Deductions/Interest and Ordinary Dividends.
Complete and sign online the IRS Tax Forms for 2008 here on eFile.com. Then download, print, and mail them to the IRS; the address is on the form 1040. You can no longer claim a 2008 Tax Year Refund .