Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
Shockwave Player can be downloaded by heading to the http://get.adobe.com/shockwave/ url. Once there, the site will attempt to automatically determine your system specifications. If it gets it wrong, you can follow a further link to choose the version of Shockwave Player you need.
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Scarica gratis Adobe ShockWave Player Download sicuro e 100%...
- Adobe ShockWave Player for Mac
Download Adobe Shockwave Player for Mac now from Softonic:...
- Italiano
31 Οκτ 2022 · Shockwave is a popular web multimedia player, which lets you play loads of content directly in your web browser. With Adobe Shockwave Player download, you can view a wide range of interactive web content, including presentations, games, adverts, and entertainment media.
29 Φεβ 2024 · Adobe's Shockwave Player is a free program that displays multimedia content created with Adobe Director. Shockwave Player is installed on hundreds of millions of computers worldwide.
30 Μαρ 2019 · Adobe Shockwave Player 12.3 is a freeware Shockwave plugin app and video player, developed by Adobe for Windows. It's pretty comprehensive. The download has been tested by an editor here on a PC and a list of features has been compiled; see below.
12 Ιουν 2018 · Download Adobe Shockwave Player - Play 3D games, view product demos, online learning applications and more.
Various installers for Adobe Shockwave (formerly known as Macromedia Shockwave), Macromedia's first and most successful multimedia player prior to the introduction of Adobe Flash, called Macromedia Flash at that time.
19 Νοε 2023 · While you can download Shockwave Player or Free Flash Player, this one integrates well with Adobe CC products, giving you more control over creations. What can you do with Adobe Flash Player? Flash Player lets you run interactive games, animations, and videos in full screen.