Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
The average employee salary for Milwaukee County, Wisconsin in 2023 was $57,018. There are 20,243 employee records for Milwaukee County, WI.
Average government employee salary in Alaska is $71,722 and median salary is $72,115. Look up Alaska public employee salaries by name or employer, using form below. For example, search for teacher salaries in your city by school name or teacher name.
Explore public salary information from across Alaska at the local, borough, and state level. The State of Alaska has public record laws that compel governments at every level in the state to make public data available upon request.
A list of Alaska State Employees salaries by year, agency and employee.
The average employee salary for Milwaukee County, Wisconsin in 2020 was $53,001. This is 26.1 percent lower than the national average for government employees and 27.0 percent lower than other counties. There are 5,052 employee records in 2020 for Milwaukee County, Wisconsin.
1 Ιουλ 2024 · Refer to the Payroll Reference Sheets and Matrices webpage for past versions of this document. NOTE: Historical schedules for the GG bargaining unit can be found in the section. NOTE: Effective 7/1/2019 GG Salary Schedules are combined with the GP bargaining unit salary schedules.
5 Απρ 2021 · Search the 2020 salaries and compensation data for more than 5,000 Milwaukee County employees. Click on an employee's name to see a detailed breakdown of overtime, compensatory and other...