Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
ORTHODOX CALENDAR 2019 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document contains information about the Genuine Orthodox Church of Greece, including its calendar for 2019. It lists important dates and saints for each day of the year according to the Orthodox calendar.
Calendar Conversion. Use the form below to convert between dates from a Gregorian calendar to a Shenshai calendar (or vice-versa). For example, you can use this to find the roj for a particular date (such as your birthday), as well as what date the roj falls on in a given year.
Non-liturgical days (when no liturgy is celebrated): Friday before the Theophany of the Lord (January 4); Wednesday and Friday of the Cheesefare Week (March 6 and 8); Monday and Tuesday of the first week of Great Lent (March 11 and 12); Holy and Great Friday (April 26).
Effortlessly convert Ethiopian calendar to Gregorian and vice versa with our user-friendly Ethiopian Calendar Converter. Simply enter any date, and click convert see its equivalent date in the other calendar.
ORTHODOX CALENDAR 2018 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document provides information about the Genuine Orthodox Church, including its confession of faith, bishops, and 2018 calendar.
Calendar Creştin Ortodox. Anul 2018. Alegeţi anul: ianuarie februarie martie aprilie mai iunie iulie august septembrie octombrie noiembrie decembrie. 2018 Ian IANUARIE (31 zile) ziua 10 ore, noaptea 14 ore. 1 L (†) Tăierea împrejur cea după trup a Domnului; Sf. Ier. Vasile cel Mare, arhiepiscopul Cezareei Capadociei (Anul ...
Calendar Creştin Ortodox. Anul 2019. Alegeţi anul: ianuarie februarie martie aprilie mai iunie iulie august septembrie octombrie noiembrie decembrie. 2019. Ian IANUARIE (zile) ziua 10 ore, noaptea 14 ore. 1 M (†) Tăierea împrejur cea după trup a Domnului; Sf. Ier. Vasile cel Mare, arhiepiscopul Cezareei Capadociei (Anul Nou ...