Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
Call for project and research related proposals issued by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR).
Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has established and launched Malaria Elimination Research Alliance (MERA) India on the eve of World Malaria Day 2019. The vision of the scheme is to initiate a Trans-institutional research alliance for evidence-based support to accelerate malaria elimination in India.
Under its Extramural Research Programme, Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) funds Centre for Advanced Research (CAR) to promote advanced research by experienced research teams.
The proposed research in response to Call for Proposals should be well circumscribed, and time bound. It should achieve specific and measurable objectives and should be in line with ICMR priorities.
Open the ICMR Electronics Project Management System (e-PMS) portal https://epms.icmr.org.in. The user manual of e-PMS (under Guidelines e-PMS manual) is available on the portal. Project proposal submission is three steps process in e-PMS: Step 1: PI registration/ Login (https://epms.icmr.org.in/userLogin)
Call for project and research related proposals issued by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR).
CALL FOR PROPOSALS India Cancer Research Consortium (ICMR-ICRC) is a research collaboration establishe under the aegis of the Indian Council of Medical Research-Department of Health Research (ICMR-DHR) to promote, articulate and prioritize cancer research in our country.