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CASL ®-2 Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language Second Edition Manual Elizabeth Carrow-Woolfolk, PhD 00_CASL_2_Manual_FM_082417.indd 1 8/24/17 2:55 PM
View and download the CASL Test Chart >> Lexical/ Semantic Tests: Lexical/Semantic—knowledge and use of words and word combinations. Tests include: Basic Concepts, Antonyms, Synonyms, Sentence Completion, and Idiomatic Language. Syntactic Tests: knowledge and use of grammar (morphology and syntax). Tests include: Syntax Construction ...
Introducing the clinician's ultimate diagnostic battery, the CASL™ 2. Fifteen tests let you measure specific aspects of oral language ability. You can administer Core tests to derive a global language composite. Supplementary tests provide you with additional diagnostic information.
The CASL-2-Sentence Expression Test: This test is designed to measure oral expression of accurate syntax: grammatical morphemes, sentence structure and word order. It indicates the ability to formulate and express basic sentence types and basic syntax of verb tenses.
CASL ®-2 Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language Second Edition Manual Supplement This supplement provides updated tables for calculating age- and grade-based standard scores as well as test-age and grade equivalent scores for the CASL-2 Grammaticality Judgment (GJ) test only.
Measures the oral processing skills of comprehension expression. Computer, test form, CASL-2 booklet (SO IMPORTANT!!!!) PREFERRED or ACCEPTABLE responses both receive a 1. "You are close, but can you be more specific?" Clinician reads 2 sentences. Student needs to tell you same thing with a YES or NO response. Inference subtest (THE BEST!!!!)
STANDARD SCORE COMPARISONS OF CASL-2 TESTS -- CLINICALLY MEANINGFUL COMPARISONS Significant difference CASL-2 test scores compared Standard score for test 1 Standard score for test 2 Difference in standard scores Critical value Y/N Percentage of sample with this difference RV ANT 94 69 25 10 Y 1%-5% RV EV 94 66 28 10 Y 1%-5% RV GM 94 71 23 10 Y ...