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Forgotten Password click "New to RAM ID? Forgot Password?" - INSTRUCTIONS PDF. Still need assistance? Please submit a ticket at https://helpdesk.ccsf.edu.
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Forgotten Password click "New to RAM ID? Forgot Password?" -...
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For Students, your RAM ID is your Student ID number, typically starting with an S, W or @. RAM ID will allow you to log in to the following systems: myRAM Portal; CCSF Student Wi-Fi Network; Canvas (Online Courses) Campus Logic (Financial Aid) Starfish (Counseling & Early Alert) Awardspring (Scholarships) WEPA (Printing)
Connect to the Zoom Virtual Counter on the Student Affairs page (in the right sidebar). Note: You can click on the myCCSF Login Portal (RAM ID) button at top of page to access the RAM ID Portal. The Faculty and Staff resources will be moving to a new location on the CCSF Intranet in the near future.
Once the user’s identity has been verified either by answering Challenge Question or via OTP, the user will be prompted to set a new password. For step-by-step instructions: https://ramid.ccsf.edu/KB/forgotten_password.html; CCSF Gmail Password Reset via myRAM Portal: In a web browser go to https://ramid.ccsf.edu; Login with the CCSF ID ...
For STUDENTS: Your RAM ID is your Student ID number, typically starting with a W or @. RAM ID will allow you to login to the following systems: Canvas (Online Courses) Campus Logic (Financial Aid) Degree Works (Education Planning) Handshake (Student Jobs) Starfish (Counseling & Early Alert) Scholarship Universe (Scholarships) Student Health ...
CCSF RAM ID. RAM ID is CCSF’s password management service. RAM ID will help eliminate the need for individual passwords to each of the services listed below. You will be able to directly login to your resources with a simple click within the Resources Portal.
Click on myCCSF Login Portal (RAM ID) link under Student Resources at CCSF section. 1. Click on "New to RAM ID? Forgot Password?" to start the process. 2. Enter your Student or Staff/Faculty Username when the End-User Self Service box appears asking for Username [see formatting information below]. 3.