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Free company information from Companies House including registered office address, filing history, accounts, annual return, officers, charges, business activity
Get company information including registered address, previous company names, directors' details, accounts, annual returns and company reports, if it's been dissolved
Free company information from Companies House including registered office address, filing history, accounts, annual return, officers, charges, business activity
To search by name, last name is required. When searching by name, if unsure of spelling, enter at least the first letter or letters. We recommend using "All States" in the drop down menu to ensure a more thorough search.
19 Ιουν 2019 · Our Find and update company information service makes all of the public data we hold on companies available free of charge. You do not need to register to view company information through...
Simply enter a company name and start searching. NameScan’s company check provides you with a detailed understanding of a company by searching against over 180 company registries and 170+ million legal entities across 120 countries. KYB verification is also available on the Dashboard.
Check business name availability for free with our business name checker tool. Scan the UK Companies House registrar of existing businesses and register your new limited company when you’re ready.