Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya adalah Perguruan tinggi keagamaan Islam negeri dengan paradigma keilmuan model menara kembar tersambung di kota surabaya jawa timur.
- Mahasiswa Baru
Apa saja pilihan jalur seleksi untuk masuk ke UINSA?...
Fostering Student Engagement in Academic Activities at UIN...
- Akademik
Fakultas dan Pascasarjana Fakultas di Kampus Ahmad Yani...
- Tentang UINSA
Sejarah UINSA Berdiri Mengabdi untuk Negeri 1961 : Pendirian...
- Informasi
Mahasiswa FSH UINSA Raih Juara III Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah...
- Penelitan dan Publikasi
Sunan Ampel Press telah menerbitkan lebih dari 315 buku...
- International Students
Welcome to the International Office UINSA The primary...
- Pascasarjana
Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Ampel yang berdiri pada 1 Agustus...
- Mahasiswa Baru
Fostering Student Engagement in Academic Activities at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Empowering Global Minds, Enhancing International Excellence. Unity in Diversity for Global Knowledge
Partial scholarship provided for international students who are accepted to the USIS 2024. Applicants must provide certificate (s) of academic achievement (national or international) or Tahfidz Al-Quran. For example: 1st winner of national speech competition in Thailand, etc.
Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya, also abbreviated as UIN Sunan Ampel (formerly IAIN Sunan Ampel), is one of the state Islamic universities in Indonesia based in Surabaya which organizes multidisciplinary Islamic education as well as secular education including science and technology.
UINSA campus is located in the main boulevard of the city, Ahmad Yani street, that offers great accommodations for all students in the community. We also provide assistance and advice for international student and visiting scholars to find suitable accommodation according to their requirements.
Digital Library Universitas Islam Surabaya is a digital collection of the UIN Sunan Ampel's intellectual or research result. manages,centralizes, collects, preserves, and complies to open access concept of accessing collection of scholarly materials that showcases the research result of Digital Library' Civitation.
Journal of Indonesian Islam (ISSN 1978-6301 and E-ISSN 2355-6994) is peer-reviewed international journal published biannually by the Postgraduate Program (PPs) and the Institute for the Study of Religion and Society (LSAS), State Islamic University (UIN) of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.