Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
hands, alive, dead, silent, upheld by so much death, a wall, by so much life, a blow of stone petals:46 the permanent rose,47 the dwelling:48 this Andean reef with glacial colonies. When the clay-colored hand49 was converted into clay, and when the little eyelids closed full of harsh walls, populated with castles,
Already a legend in life, Neruda's death reverberated around the world. Pinochet had denied permission to transform Neruda's funeral into a public event. However, thousands of grieving Chileans disobeyed the curfew and crowded the
The Voice Of The Mountain - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The speaker sits high on a platform overlooking a big river where ferry lights cross back and forth.
travelling through the desert with my salt-caked mask. I rolled and fell, dying of my own death. Wat was de mens? In welk deel van zijn wijdopen gesprek. leefde het onverwoestbare, het onvergankelijke, het leven? hundí la mano turbulenta y dulce en lo más genital de lo terrestre. que hiciera temblar el miserable árbol de las razas asustadas.
I rode the mountains of San Joaquín. I rode east and north As far as the Rocky Mountains, And All men feared the guns of Joaquín Murrieta. I killed those men who dared To steal my mine, Who raped and killed my love My wife. Then I killed to stay alive. I was Elfego Baca, living my nine lives fully. I was the Espinoza brothers of the Valle de ...
Y que habita en la luz de los ocasos Y en el rondo océano y el en el vivo aire, Y en el azul cielo y en la mente de toda humanidad; Un movimiento, una ánimo que empuja A todo ser pensante, todo objeto del pensar Y que en todo está. Por eso sigo siendo Un amante de prados, bosques Y montañas; y de todo lo que poseemos
I can out jump, out run, throw down, drag out and whip any man in old Kaintuck. I told my pap and mam I was comin' to the mountains to trap and be a mountain man. Acted like they was gut shot! Sez, son, make your life go here. Here is where the people is. Them mountains is for animals and savages.