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The total driving distance from Knoxville, TN to Huntsville, AL is 211 miles or 340 kilometers. The total straight line flight distance from Knoxville, TN to Huntsville, AL is 173 miles . This is equivalent to 278 kilometers or 150 nautical miles .
Use the following mileage calculator to determine the travel distance, in terms of miles, and time taken by car to travel between two locations in the United States, disregarding traffic conditions.
It's a 03 hours 21 minutes drive by car. Flight distance is approximately 173 miles (278 km) and flight time from Knoxville, TN to Huntsville, AL is 20 minutes. Don't forget to check out our "Gas cost calculator" option. It will calculate cost of driving this particular distance. See the map below for the visual display of the upcoming road trip.
The total driving distance from Knoxville, TN to Huntsville, AL is 211 miles or 340 kilometers. Your trip begins in Knoxville, Tennessee. It ends in Huntsville, Alabama.
How far is Huntsville from Knoxville? Here's the quick answer if you are able to make this entire trip by car without stopping. Nonstop drive: 211 miles or 340 km
How long does it take to drive from Knoxville, Tennessee to Huntsville, Alabama? View a map with the drive time between Knoxville, TN and Huntsville, AL to plan the duration of your next road trip.