Yahoo Αναζήτηση Διαδυκτίου

Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης

  1. Ecuador is a constitutional State of rights and justice, a social, democratic, sovereign, independent, unitary, intercultural, multinational and secular State. It is organized as a republic and is governed using a decentralized approach.

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    Ecuador is a constitutional State of rights and justice, a social, democra- tic, sovereign, independent, unitary, intercultural, multinational and secular Sta- te.

  3. Ecuador is a multicultural country; each of the four regions, the Coast, Andes, Amazon, and Galápagos, present a variety of customs, which gives Ecuador an exceptional cultural richness.

  4. CHAPTER 1. BASIC PRINCIPLES ARTICLE 1 Ecua dor i s a const i t ut i ona l S t a t e of ri g ht s a nd j ust i ce, a soci a l , dem ocra t i c, soverei g n, i ndependent , uni t a ry, i nt ercul t ura l , m ul t i na t i ona l a nd secul a r S t a t e. It i s org a ni zed a s a republ i c a nd i s g overned usi ng a decent ra l i zed

  5. ABSTRACT— The study of the Ecuadorian cultural identity, presented in this paper, is based on interviews of 1000 people in the coastal area of Ecuador. The results of the interviews show that the Ecuadorian people ground their national pride predominantly on the uniqueness of the Ecuadorian nature.

  6. However, this paper states that religiousness and religious and spiritual beliefs are so prevalent in Ecuadorian society that they actually build the core of the Ecuadorian cultural identity.

  7. Ecuador and in the Americas, 2018/19: Taking the Pulse of Democracy By Paolo Moncagatta Universidad San Francisco de Quito Arturo Moscoso Moreno Universidad de Las Américas Simón Pachano Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales J. Daniel Montalvo

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