Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
Drama in Education, also referred to as Creative Drama or Process Drama, is a pedagogical process that seeks to balance both the form and content of drama. In doing this, participants can engage with an element of living through the drama, whereby they bring themselves to the dramatic experience to learn about issues and concepts raised in the ...
- Central components
In Drama in Education we explore human situations and try to...
- Central components
15 Ιουν 2023 · For elementary school children, educators may begin to introduce a form of theatre called “dramatization” or “dramatic play” in which the classroom invents and improvises different scenarios, characters, and themes to act out.
1 Ιαν 2021 · The article dwells on the use of drama and performance techniques in education and social work in connection with multiple intelligence theory, emotional intelligence theory, and brain based...
drama develops thinking, oral language, reading, and writing. Six of these respected studies show that drama improves students’ cognitive growth, as reflected in language skills, problem -solving ability, and I.Q.
In Drama in Education we explore human situations and try to understand why people do what they do. A situation always happens in a space, happens between people, and contains some problem that can be manifest in many different ways.
But teachers of High School may use elements of drama such as asking students in the class to adopt different roles and act them out, watch how they improvise, use their imagination which urges their creativity and speaks about their own life experiences in different situations.
The participatory practices of Theatre and Drama in Education (TiE, DiE) promote active learning, based on a most organic children’s activity – play. While students co-create the fictional world of drama, teacher's guidance is crucial in setting new challenges, encouraging students to find creative solutions and reflect on often-complex ...