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City of Wisconsin Dells employee salary information for year 2020. List of 110 employees, payroll, job titles etc.
- Village of Cambria
Highest salary in Village of Cambria in 2020 was $69,554....
- Village of Cambria
Check City of Wisconsin Dells salary, employee salaries, average salary, highest salary and employees list. City of Wisconsin Dells salary lookup by name from 107 employees database. Salary database for year 2021.
Average annual salary was $35,087 and median salary was $27,987. City of Wisconsin Dells average salary is 25 percent lower than USA average and median salary is 36 percent lower than USA median salary.
We have 253,638 Wisconsin state employee salaries in our database. Average government employee salary in Wisconsin is $53,756 and median salary is $54,996. Wisconsin state employee salary lookup by name or employer, using form below.
This report contains staff members who have an assignment identified as administrative. The report contains full-time equivalency (FTE) salary, fringe, days employed, and assignment information by hire agency, work agency, and staff member.
County employee salary and payroll records for over 600 counties across the United States.
Use this tool to find salary information for more than 800 different occupations. To start, search for an occupation by keyword. Considering a job offer? Learn how to negotiate your salary. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics Program. Help. Resources For ... Need to Register?