Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
This is a list of state parks and state natural areas in Texas, United States, managed by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Several state historic sites that used to be managed by Texas Parks and Wildlife are now managed by the Texas Historical Commission.
In economics, a gift tax is the tax on money or property that one living person or corporate entity gives to another. [1] A gift tax is a type of transfer tax that is imposed when someone gives something of value to someone else. The transfer must be gratuitous or the receiving party must pay a lesser amount than the item's full value to be ...
Texas State Parks issues a variety of gift cards and certificates. Gift cards can be used to pay for entrance or facility fees, Texas State Park Passes, and merchandise at state park stores managed by TPWD.
A gift tax, known originally as inheritance tax, is a tax imposed on the transfer of ownership of property during the giver's life. The United States Internal Revenue Service says that a gift is "Any transfer to an individual , either directly or indirectly, where full compensation (measured in money or money's worth) is not received in return."
Reservations made easy! Reserve campground, lodging, marina, and day-use locations online with ReserveAmerica. Book your favorite camping, boat-slip or picnic spot today.
Texas State Parks offer diverse landscapes and cultural destinations for a variety of outdoor and educational adventures. Life is better outside in a Texas State Park!
Almost all Texas State Parks have camping and lodging options for you. Make campsite and facility reservations online or by phone. For fee information about a specific park, go to the "Fees & Facilities" section of their website. Many parks offer discounted weekly, monthly, non-peak and special group rates.