Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
Higher Committee of Education Development in Iraq. This is a non-governmental-related HCED page. It is administrated by a group of current HCED students, and the purpose of this page is to connect the Iraqi graduate students in the USA together to discuss students' issues whenever needed.
اللجنة العليا لتطوير التعليم في العراق The Higher Committee for Education Development in Iraq - HCED هذا الكروب للطلاب العراقيين فقط This group is only for Iraqi students يرجى اتباع شروط المجموعة...
Only members can see who's in the group and what they post. Anyone can find this group. This group is unofficial group designed to meet the needs of the applicants of HCED Iraq applied for the UK. Personal, Political, Religious and other...
New Page of Iraqi Education Initiative, Baghdad, Iraq. 16,068 likes. This is unofficial Page and it's not related to Iraqi Government or HCED. It's...
To all HCED applicant students... I just want to remember you that you can make yourself a candidate to be an admin on this page which we will vote for...
hced iraq-uk
6 Ιουν 2010 · اخواتي واخواني الاعزاء الان وقبل دقيقة بالتحديد اتصلت بأحد افراد اللجنة ومن المسؤولين ضمن اللجنة واكدلي انه قد تم سفر اول وجبة يوم الخميس وقد وصولا لاميركا وهنالك وجبة اخرى ستغادر نهاية هذا الاسبوع...