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Check out this Teaching Wiki on the Timeline of Scottish History for an overview of Scotland's rich history from the Stone Age to the present day.
18 Οκτ 2024 · This is a timeline of Scottish history, comprising important legal and territorial changes and political events in Scotland and its predecessor states. See also Timeline of prehistoric Scotland. To read about the background to many of these events, see History of Scotland.
This is a timeline of Scottish history, comprising important legal and territorial changes and political events in Scotland and its predecessor states. See also Timeline of prehistoric Scotland. To read about the background to many of these events, see History of Scotland.
Wikimapia is an open-content collaborative mapping project. It utilizes an interactive "clickable" web map with a geographically-referenced wiki system. Its aim is to mark and describe all geographical objects in the world. Wikimapia was created by Alexandre Koriakine and Evgeniy Saveliev on May 2006. See also. In Spanish: Wikimapia para niños
18 Οκτ 2024 · The History of Scotland is known to have begun by the end of the last glacial period (in the paleolithic), roughly 10,000 years ago. Prehistoric Scotland entered the Neolithic Era about 4000 BC, the Bronze Age about 2000 BC, and the Iron Age around 700 BC.
History Timeline A series of articles that chronicles Scotland's history through the ages right up to the present day. Articles provide a summary overview of our history and also link to useful and interesting external resources for even more information.
Scroll through a growing chronology of events and click on them for more details and links. Whether its MacBeth or Hardie, the Reformation or Post-war Reconstruction, you are one click away from discovering Scotland's historical wealth.