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Trusted applications are secured by a single login process. Many state systems today use the Enterprise Authentication and Authorization (ENTAA) process. The state login process is transitioning to ID.Iowa.gov.
Verification begins with Iowa Workforce Development. To get started: Log into your Iowa Workforce Development account at uiclaims.iwd.iowa.gov/UIInitialClaim/ to register for a new claim, or visit uiclaims.iwd.iowa.gov/weeklyclaims/ to certify your weekly claims and select File Weekly Claim.
Welcome to the Bureau of Professional Licensure license portal. If you already have an account, log in. If you need to create an account, use the button below.
ID.me is a more secure and efficient process for verifying your identity, and is directly incorporated into the process when filing an unemployment claim with Iowa Workforce Development (IWD). When filing your initial claim or your weekly claim, the claims portal will automatically direct you to ID.me to create your account and complete ...
Information on training opportunities, scholarships, and grants that help solve workforce barriers in Iowa. Workforce Development Boards Information on the state and local workforce development boards charged with addressing Iowa's workforce needs.
Iowa Workforce Development (IWD) works with ID.me to create a highly secure identity verification process that ensure... ID.me simplifies how individuals prove and share their identity online.