Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
Use the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS) to pay your taxes. Pay via a secure site or by phone using the EFTPS Voice Response System.
Step-by-step enrollment is available at EFTPS.gov. You will receive your Personal Identification Number (PIN) in the mail within five to seven business days. Call 1.888.725.7879 Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET, to request an enrollment form by mail.
Go to EFTPS.gov and click on “Payments.” Then, click on “Need a Password.” Follow the prompts, entering your employer identification number or social security number, the four-digit PIN you received in the mail, and either the banking information you used to enroll or the last eight digits of the enrollment number on your PIN letter.
If this is your first time enrolling in EFTPS®, your information will need to be validated with the IRS. After this process is complete you will receive a personal identification number (PIN) via U.S. Mail in five to seven business days at your IRS address of record.
When your form is completed, please mail to: EFTPS Enrollment Processing Center P.O. Box 173788, Denver, CO 80217-3788. You will receive the information you need to use EFTPS within seven business days after we receive your enrollment form. Enrolling online via . EFTPS.gov. saves on mail time; consider enrolling that way. 1a.
How do I make tax payments using EFTPS? 1 Visit www.eftps.gov and select “Make a Payment.” 2 Log in with your EIN/SSN, PIN, and Internet password. 3 Enter your payment information in the step-by-step screens. 4 Schedule your payments by 8 p.m. ET the day before the due date. 5 When you finish, save a copy of the Payment Confirmation page.
MAIL: Customers who complete a paper EFTPS enrollment form (IRS Form 9779 for businesses; Form 9783 for individuals), and mail it in will receive their PIN within two weeks after EFTPS receives the form. Customers can order forms by calling the IRS 1.800.829.3676. The forms will be received in 7 to 15 days. NOTE