Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
События в России и мире. Аналитические публикации. Материалы пресс-конференций. Видео- и фоторепортажи
- Дорога Жизни Через Ладожское Озеро
Проложенная поверх замёрзших вод Ладожского озера Дорога...
- Вагнер
События в России и мире. Аналитические публикации. Материалы...
- Начали Напрягать Вагнеровцы
Лукашенко на встрече с Путиным заявил, что его "начали...
- Военная Операция На Украине
Читать все последние новости на тему: Военная операция на...
- Что Известно О Попытке Пригожина Организовать Военный Мятеж
Министерство обороны РФ выступило с заявлением, что...
- Дорога Жизни Через Ладожское Озеро
Since 1904 TASS has been Russia’s leading news agency. For more than 113 years, TASS has ceaselessly strived to deliver the latest and most accurate news from around the world.
ITAR-TASS News Agency. LEGAL ADDRESS: 10 Tverskoy Blvd., Bldg. 1, Moscow, Russia, 125009. WEB SITES: www.tass.ru. SALE (SUBSCRIPTION) OF INFORMATION PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: worldmarket@tass.ru
You may only register within 3 days (or 72 hours) prior to your arrival in the Philippines. Travelers are enjoined to present their proof of valid eTravel registration prior to flight boarding. It is important that your recent declaration of health condition is within 72 hours before arrival.
TASS Russian News Agency provides latest world news and updates on global events.
Philippine One-Stop Electronic Travel Declaration System. You may only register within 72 hours prior to your arrival or departure in the Philippines. Travelers are enjoined to present their eTravel QR code to flight boarding.
To ensure compliance with the ITAR, the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls strongly encourages registered exporters, manufacturers, brokers, and others engaged in defense trade, to maintain compliance programs that assist in the monitoring and control of exports and other regulated activities.