Yahoo Αναζήτηση Διαδυκτίου

Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης

  1. A La Fortuna-vízesés (spanyolul: Catarata La Fortuna, jelentése ’a szerencse vízesése’) egy vízesés, mely a Costa Rica középső részében elhelyezkedő Alajuela tartomány területén, a La Fortuna nevű vidéki várostól mintegy 5,5 kilométerre található. A vízesés körülbelül 65-75 méteres magasságból zúdul alá egy ...

  2. "La Fortuna" is Spanish for "The Fortune", and aptly named due its ample supply of tourist attractions and extremely fertile lands. Although there is a common myth that the town got its name due to its sparing from the Arenal Volcano 's eruptions, the town actually got its name before the latest eruption cycle and was named for the fertile ...

  3. La Fortuna Waterfall (Spanish for "the fortune") is in central Costa Rica, in the Alajuela Province. In Spanish, it is known as Catarata Fortuna. The waterfall drops about 70−75 meters and is at the base of the dormant Chato volcano, about 5.5 km outside of the town of La Fortuna, near the Arenal Volcano.

  4. Costa Rica (ejtsd: [kosztarríka]; jelentése spanyolul „gazdag part”) a közép-amerikai kontinenshídon elterülő ország, szárazföldön északon Nicaragua, délkeleten Panama határolja. Karib-tengeri és csendes-óceáni partvidékét keskeny síkság kíséri.

  5. La Fortuna is a district of the Bagaces canton, in the Guanacaste province of Costa Rica.

  6. La Fortuna Costa Rica is the perfect jungle town and home to the impressive Arenal Volcano. In fact, this area is often referred to as Arenal Costa Rica. This area is complete with amazing waterfalls, hanging bridges, zip lining, great hiking spots, white water rafting, hot springs and more.

  7. 30 Οκτ 2024 · La Fortuna, also known as La Fortuna de San Carlos, is undoubtedly one of Costa Rica’s most talked about destinations. Travel writers love to cover it, tour operators boast about it, and a quick Google search will reveal thousands of articles on this small town alone.

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