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Inscriptional evidence as well as texts from ancient grammarians tell us how the Romans pronounced Latin during the classical period. This simple guide will provide you with the basics.1. You may ask, “Why should I bother to learn the difference between long and short vowels? Why should I bother learning macrons (the long marks)?”
LATIN PRONUNCIATION GUIDE (Liber Usualis 1961) Vowels and Diphthongs. Each vowel has one sound; a mixture or sequence of sounds would be fatal to good Latin pronunciation; this is far more important than their exact length. It is of course difficult to find in English the exact equivalent of the Latin vowels.
Carmenta Latin Pronunciation Guide Classical Pronunciation Vowels The pronunciation of vowels depends on whether they are long or short. In a dictionary, long vowels will have a macron over them, short vowels will not. A (long) ah as in father example: Ītalia A (short) uh as in Maria example: lūna E (long) ay as in hay example: ēvenio
use in the Roman Church, the Roman pronunciation of the liturgical Latin has been chosen for presentation here. First authorized by Pope Pius X (Motu Proprio) in 1903, this method was later LATIN PRONUNCIATION GUIDE
pronunciation guide is based upon information in Wheelock’s Latin, edited by Richard A. LaFleur. Many of the Latin examples have been changed to words familiar to beginning Latin students (using the Cambridge Latin Course). – Ginny Lindzey, January 2004; revised with alphabet added, September 2018.
pronunciation. Correct pronunciation will make it easier to recognize and remember vocabulary and grammatical forms. The pronunciation of Latin is best learned by imitation of the teacher. There are three major sound groups.: There are five vowels in Latin, as in English, and each has a long and short sound.
Classic Latin Church Latin (Italian tradition) Most sounds are the same to those in English (standard southern British), except: A – ‘cup’ (short vowel) or ‘father’ (long vowel)