Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
Looking to add a Maine Coon Kitten to your family? Adopt-a-Pet gives you access to real-time information about Maine Coons available in your area. Find your newest family member today!
- North Carolina
North Carolina - Maine Coon Adoption: Maine Coon Kitten For...
- Massachusetts
Massachusetts - Maine Coon Adoption: Maine Coon Kitten For...
- Minnesota
Minnesota - Maine Coon Adoption: Maine Coon Kitten For Sale...
- North Carolina
"Click here to view Maine Coon Cats for adoption. Shelters & individuals can post animals free." ― ♥ RESCUE ME! ♥ ۬
The Maine Coon Cat Adoption Page. 52,006 likes · 65 talking about this. Volunteer-run page, sharing Maine Coons & other kitties adoptable from nonprofit rescues & shelters
We are a non-profit, volunteer-run organization devoted to finding loving new homes for unwanted, homeless cats and kittens. Maine Coon Haven Rescue volunteers place over 300 Maine Coons into homes every year.
5 Απρ 2022 · Maine Coon cats can be adopted from a variety of places, including cat shelters, Maine Coon rescue centers, breeders, and online social media e.g. Maine Coon Facebook groups. Adopting is a far cheaper option than buying a Maine Coon, though it is likely the adopted cat will be a Maine Coon mix, rather than a purebred.
Saving Maine Coon mix or Purebred cats/kittens from unwanted situations and high kill shelters. Providing a safe and loving foster home through to adoption. Providing necessary veterinary care. Working with adopters and placing cats in appropriate forever homes.
Welcome to Maine Coon Rescue Community where we are dedicated to rescuing and finding loving homes for Maine Coon cats. Click here to learn more about our adoption process and how YOU can help make a difference in a cat's life.