Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
Looking for a shelter in Mesa, AZ? Adopt a dog or cat today! Search for local pets in need of a home. Adoptapet.com can help you find directions to your closest shelter and allows you to browse pets for adoption before you visit.
Learn more about MCACC East Valley Animal Care Center in Mesa, AZ, and search the available pets they have up for adoption on Petfinder.
We offer many services to the community: adoptions, rabies vaccinations, dog licenses, micro-chips, spay and neuter opportunities, stray dog pickup, dog and cat bite investigation, and a safe place to stay for the homeless dogs and cats that come to our two shelters.
Check out available pets online and write down the A# for the animal (s) you want to meet. Our population changes every few minutes, so check the website an hour before coming in to view current animal availability. Didn't find a match? Visit our shelters to preview additional pets that may be available to adopt soon.
Providing new beginnings for cats in need. The mission of Desert Paws Rescue is to provide a new beginning for cats who might otherwise be euthanized. We provide safe and loving foster environments with the goal of placing our animals in new forever homes. Learn more about our adoptables!
In May of 2021, the Board of Supervisors approved funding for the construction of a new shelter to serve the community in the east valley. The new shelter will be located at Baseline Road and Lewis Drive in Mesa, Arizona.
We invite you to our weekly adoption clinics held every Sunday from 12:00 pm to 3:30 pm at the PetSmart Pet Center, located at 1858 S Signal Butte Rd, Mesa, AZ —on the west side of Signal Butte, at the intersection of Signal Butte and the 60 Freeway, south of the 60. About Our Adoption Clinics.