Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
Bütün Sunucuların Etkinlik Takvimleri. (Sezon Aralığı: 10.10.2024 - 05.12.2024) Dünya Patronu Etkinliği. Çiçek Çocuklar Etkinliği. Her Gün (21:20-21:33) SungMa İstilası. Ekipmanlar. Tılsımlar. Kalkanlar.
Καλωσήρθατε στο Ελληνικό Metin2 Wiki! Πρόκειται για ένα σύστημα που δημιούργησε η κοινότητα στο οποίο περιέχονται λεπτομερείς πληροφορίες για το παιχνίδι Metin2 οι οποίες ανανεώνονται τακτικά.
Welcome to the Metin2 Wiki! This is a community system in which detailed information about the Metin2 game can be found and updated. As always, if you still have questions about the Metin2Wiki or about Metin2 itself you can ask the Metin2 Team in IRC chat or via email.
All members need 3 Twisted Key (TR). They can be farmed from General Huashin (TR) or General Yonghan (TR) which is being spawned more often and respawned much faster than regular. Once everyone has the key, go to Ghost of a Sura (TR) , only the groupleader can start the run.
If you want to play a Metin2 pserver yourself now, visit our rating page where you can find the best servers which is currently online. Check out this new server! Serverstart: 25 days ago
Red Dragon Fortress (TR) INFORMATION. Red Dragon Fortess, a dungeon style map, composed by 7 different areas, where you need to perform 7 different tasks to complete the dungeon, all this in 1 hour time limit. You can enter this area by talking to Time Rift Statue in Plateau of Illusions.
Çırak Sandıkları; yeni açılan karakterlerin faydalanabileceği, ticareti ve depolama özelliği olmayan, gelişim sürecine göre hediyeler içeren yardımcı sandıklardır. Bu çırak sandığı, oluşturduğunuz karaktere ilk kez giriş yaptığınızda otomatik olarak açılır.