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  1. This widget contains links to .pdf files to the PHYSICAL SCIENCE textbook. Almost all textbook reading and note-taking will be done at home for homework. This will allow more time for discussion and hands-on activities in the classroom.

  2. 3rd Grade * - Integrates traditional science content with engineering. - Includes a Michigan specific performance expectation. **- Allow for local, regional, or Michigan specific contexts or examples in teaching and assessment. Page 14 of 34 . Forces and Interactions . 3-PS2-1 Plan and conduct an investigation to provide evidence of the effects of

  3. This curriculum map outlines a science unit on matter for 3rd grade students. Over 5 weeks, students will learn about the different phases of matter and how temperature affects changes in solids, liquids, and gases.

  4. Michigans science standards are organized by grade level K-5, and then by grade span in middle school and high school. The K-5 grade level organization reflects the developmental nature of learning for elementary students in a manner that attends to the important learning progressions toward basic foundational understandings .

  5. What are the basic tools of science and engineering? How does a scientist use experimental evidence to develop and refine a theory? How does a scientist communicate results so others can review, test and build upon those results? How do Engineers use science and technology to develop new products or processes to design a solution to a problem?

  6. During the 2015-16 school year, we are developing titles for 3rd Grade Michigan Studies, 7th Grade Ancient World, 8th Grade United States, HS United States, and HS Civics. The MI Open Book resources listed below are all in PDF format.

  7. Numerous 6-12 course models are described below as a resource for transition planning for future course offerings and hiring decisions. The model courses are listed in three groups: Adapted Models, Innovative Ideas for Consideration, and Models that Reflect Current Practice in Michigan.