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  1. Most of the other terms are taken from French and German, indicated by Fr. and Ger., respectively. Unless specified, the terms are Italian or English. The list can never be complete: some terms are common, and others are used only occasionally, and new ones are coined from time to time.

  2. › res-musical-terms › french-musical-termsFrench Musical Terms - Music Theory

    French musical terms. Definitions and advice on usage. Pronunciation help using audio files.

  3. 27 Νοε 2024 · Crescendo is the opposite of decrescendo and is often abbreviated as “ cresc “. It is used in musical content to inform a performer to smoothly increase the volume of a specified phrase or passage.

  4. › general-knowledge-classic-music › music-terminologyMusic Terminology - Adducation

    25 Σεπ 2024 · Crescendo (Italian for “growing”) means to swell in volume. The opposite music terminology is decrescendo. Forte is used to describe a louder dynamic (see Dynamics above). Forte is louder than mezzo-forte but quieter than fortissimo. A fugue is a composition with a subject that repeats after fourths or fifths.

  5. We have full support for crossword templates in languages such as Spanish, French and Japanese with diacritics including over 100,000 images, so you can create an entire crossword in your target language including all of the titles, and clues.

  6. Counterpoint: The art of combining different melodic lines in a musical composition. Crescendo: A musical instruction indicating a gradual increase in volume. Cut time: A time signature indicating two beats per measure, also represented by the symbol C with a vertical line through it.

  7. Crescendo. A crescendo is when the music gradually gets louder. Its function in music is to create a sense of anticipation or excitement in the listener. A crescendo refers to the dynamics of a piece, meaning the variation in loudness between notes or phrases. In comparison, decrescendo means a gradual decrease in volume. da capo