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Log in and explore The Early Learning Program Accreditation Portal, where you can access your basic program records, add more data, and move through the accreditation process at your own pace.
Access accreditation data on early learning and higher education program characteristics and quality for research purposes.
Enter your username which should be your email address on file with NAEYC. The password should be the same as you use for the NAEYC membership database. Support our efforts to secure a bright future for young children, educators, and families.
Welcome to the new NAEYC Account Hub . If you had an account in NAEYC's previous system and this is your first time logging in here, use the forgot password link to set a new password. If you are new to NAEYC, create an account to get started.
Login to your member profile to ensure your address and contact information is correct. Early Learning Program Accreditation: To ensure the proper routing of your concern, visit our whistleblower page. NAEYC’s hours of operation are from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.
Enter your e-mail address or username. Enter the password that accompanies your e-mail. If you forgot your password, request a new password.