Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
Elected Tax Collector: Judy S. Musto. Collects Real Estate/Property Tax and Council Rock SD Occupation Tax (215) 968-2109 x4 taxcollector@boroughofnewtown.com. Office: Borough Hall 23 N. State Street. Website: https://jsmusto.wixsite.com/boro
Borough/County/School (includes 4-year history). Duplicate tax bills, if needed, are available for $5 fee. Stamped Receipt: Return entire bill with payment and a self-addressed stamped envelope. Online Banking: Please include parcel number as the reference on your payment.
1 ημέρα πριν · Enter the property number and/or the property name. Since the words Street, Court, Lane, etc. could be abbreviated differently, do not enter this part of street name. This search only returns real estate and personal property. If the account number is shown on your bill, it may be entered here.
2 ημέρες πριν · Click on Tax Bills if you want to search your Real Estate, Personal Property, Motor Vehicle or Supplemental Bills. Please abbreviate: Street to St., Road to Rd, Etc.
Bucks County Real Estate Tax Collectors ... 28 Newtown Boro - Judy Musto. 29 Newtown Twp - Tammy Sutton. 30 Nockaminxon Twp - Linda Mirales-Moran. 31 Northampton Twp - Vincent Deon. 32 Penndel Boro - Donna Caracappa. 33 Perkasie Boro - Judith Patton. 34 Plumstead Twp - Sherry Labs.
To make Real Estate Tax or Personal Tax Payments to Tammy Sutton, Tax Collector by credit card, electronic check, or on the web. Earned income tax within Newtown Township is 1% (1/2 to Council Rock School District, 1/2 to Newtown Township)
The Real Estate and Occupation Taxes are billed and collected by local tax collectors. All tax certification requests need to be submitted to the local tax collector. The local tax collectors for Council Rock School District are: Newtown Borough Judy Musto 23 N State Street Newtown, PA 18940 taxcollector@boroughofnewtown.com 215-504-1284 ...