Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
Submit documents to courts electronically anytime using JEDS. Available 24/7, documents are processed during business hours. Ensure files are under 35MB, in .pdf, .docx, or .jpg format.
Search forms, brochures, and self-help kits. If you have trouble opening a form, right-click on the form link and choose “Save link as…” and download the form to your computer. You will need Adobe Reader to open the form. Please go to our forms help page for more information.
Submit Court Documents Online (JEDS) Available for self-represented litigants, except for Appellate and Supreme Court cases. Attorneys should use eCourts to submit filings wherever possible.
Enclose payment along with the NJ-1040-V payment voucher and tax return. Use the labels provided with the envelope and mail to: State of New Jersey Division of Taxation Revenue Processing Center – Payments PO Box 111 Trenton, NJ 08645-0111 Include Social Security number and make check or money order payable to: State of New Jersey – TGI
The quick reference guide below is a step-by-step process for submitting a Superior Court filing with a case number. 1. Login to the ESSO Portal (https://portal-cloud.njcourts.gov/prweb/PRAuth/CloudSAM LAuth?AppName=ESSO) 2. On the New Jersey Courts – Portal Home Page, select ‘Judiciary Electronic Document Submission’. 3.
Open the email and follow the instructions. 1. Contact the Help Desk for assistance by phone at (609) 421-6100, Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. 2. Or select Report an Issue to submit a Help Desk ticket online. As of February 2, 2024, the My Jury Service Portal will be moving.
NJ-EZ Enroll form)(See instructions NJ-1040) ..... 53b. If you indicated at line 53a that someone in your tax household ... New Jersey Estimated Tax Payments/Credit from 2022 tax return 57. 58. New Jersey Earned Income Tax Credit (See instructions ... instructions NJ-1040)..... 61. Name(s) and Social Security Number NJ-1040X (2023) Page 4 ...