Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
Applicants will be able to view and print their results online. The self-service portal also provides organizations the ability to create business accounts to prepay for child abuse clearances and have online access to the results.
Child Abuse History Certification requests can be submitted and paid for online through the Child Welfare Information Solution (CWIS) self-service portal. Requesting online allows you to receive your results through an automated system that will notify you once your results are processed.
Our service provides a means for individuals to apply for PA Child Abuse History Clearance online and for mandated reporters to report child abuse in Pennsylvania. Are you a child care professional or residing/wanting to reside at the location of a certified child care facility?
If you think a child is being harmed or neglected, contact Child and Family Services (CFS) at 1 (866) 345-9241. In Winnipeg, contact (204) 944-4200. NOTE: If this is an emergency, contact your local police emergency number.
If you suspect child abuse or neglect, call ChildLine. Mandatory reporters can report online through the Child Welfare Information Solution (CWIS) system.
To verify that a Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Certificate is valid, first click "Verify a Certificate" located under the Clearance Application section on the Child Welfare Portal Homepage. Next, enter the requested information found on the clearance certificate and click "Search."
The Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance Check will provide the applicant information as to whether or not they are listed in the Pennsylvania statewide database as a perpetrator of child abuse.