Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
Family Details * ( পৰিয়ালৰ বিৱৰণ ) Name of Kin ( আত্মীয়ৰ নাম ) ... Delete: Add More Kin(s) Attachment Section ( সংলগ্ন নথি ) 1.Upload Scanned Copy of the Application Form ( ইউজাৰ ফৰ্মখন সংলগ্ন কৰা ) * 2.Death Certificate ...
After the applicant has logged on to the system, he/she needs to click the Apply Online tab and select the service they want to apply for and click the apply button after going through the Requirements tab. Applicant has to fill up the form and upload the required supporting documents.
*Family Details Name of Kin(চনকট আত্ময়ৰ নোম) Relation(সম্পকক) Age on the date of application( য়স) Supporting Documents (সংলগ্ন নচথ্) 1. *Death Certificate.( ম ত যৰ প্রমোন িত্র) 2. *Affidavit. ( শিত নোমো) 3.
Users can download application form for Permission for delayed birth registration in Assam
Register now. SewaSetu is an initiative of the Government of Assam to deliver the Government services at the doorsteps of the citizens.
application form for non creamy layer certificate ( অনা উচ্চস্তৰীয় স্তৰৰ প্রমান পত্রৰ বাবে ...
Apply for Non-Creamy Layer Checklist: Must be an Indian Citizen; Must belong to OBC category; Overview. If a total family income is less than 8 lakh per annum limit, the family is considered to be in non-creamy OBC category. That very family will be getting a certificate of OBC non-creamy layer.