Yahoo Αναζήτηση Διαδυκτίου

Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης

  1. Classified Hourly Salary Schedule; Support Service Professional Classified Exempt Salary Schedule

  2. District matches the employee's contribution to ASRS with each contributing 12.27%.

  3. 9 Αυγ 2022 · Performance Pay: $500 (paid in June 2023 based on set criteria) ADDITIONAL BENEFIT INFORMATION: Paid Employee Medical Benefits Available for all eligible employees working 30+ service hours per week on the first day of the month following 30 days of employment with QCUSD

  4. › Documents › Classified-Hourly-Salary-ScheduleQUEEN CREEK UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT

    QUEEN CREEK UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT S u p p or t S e r vi c e P rofe s s i on al s Cl as s i fi e d H ou r l y S al ar y S c h e d u l e 2021-2022 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT P O SI T I O N T I T L E E ntr y M i d M ax E xe c ut i ve As s i s t a nt Se ni or - Supe ri nt e nde nt / Gove rni ng B oa rd $25.21 $33.43 $38.78

  5. › Documents › Administrative-Salary-ScheduleQUEEN CREEK UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT

    QUEEN CREEK UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT A d mi n i s tr ati on S al ar y S c h e d u l e 2021-2022 * U pon hi r i ng H R w or k s w i t h ne w e m pl oy e e s t o ac c ount f or e x pe r i e nc e and e duc at i on. A ddi t i on al B e n e fi t I n for m at i on :

  6. **This schedule is based on an estimated average number of hours per event and an average hourly wage of $15.00. QCUSD students are not to be paid on this schedule for services rendered.

  7. SCHOOL-BASEDPOSITIONS POSITIONTITLE Entry Mid Max AdministrativeAssistant-AssistantPrincipal $19.19 $22.64 $26.26 AdministrativeAssistant-PrincipalElementary,JH $20.73 $24.46 $28.37 ... FY25 QCUSD Classified Hourly Salary Schedule 10-15-24 Update ...

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