Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
Bill's Bees 2020 Italian Queen Bees for Sale in California VSH, gentle genetics, ideal queens for Backyard Beekeeping in LA and commercial pollination. Resistance to diseases, very prolific, wonderful foragers, excellent honey producers, less tendency to swarm.
In our continuous effort to support sustainable beekeeping, we're thrilled to introduce our latest breakthrough—Pol-line honey bees, a new robust addition to our VSH queens for sale. Not only do these Pol-line bees exhibit exceptional Varroa resistance, but they also enhance apiary vitality.
Saskatraz breeder queens are selected for honey production, wintering ability, temperament, tracheal mite resistance, Varroa tolerance/resistance, and brood diseases. The Saskatraz breeding program uses recurrent natural selection to select for Varroa tolerance in productive colonies with good economic traits.
Breeder stock are selected queens that are top quality producers and proven Varroa and Tracheal mite resistant. Our breeder queen bees were dissected and tested for mites with the priority to use only non-infested stock, which created a tracheal mite resistant line.
Our Italian Breeder Queens are tested queens that we have used for our honey and pollination hives. We select breeder queens that exhibit traits of gentleness, honey production, and both hygienic and disease resistant.
Randy Oliver and his sons Eric and Ian run the successful migratory beekeeping operation Golden West Bees in the California foothills, taking their hives to almond pollination each year, and then selling a thousand nucs each spring.
Queen Bees for Sale. Queen bees selected for mite resistance, gentleness, and rapid spring buildup. Learn More