Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης
Some rooms are managed by the Office of Classroom Management, and you can request a reservation directly through our system. Other rooms are managed by colleges or groups on campus. You can find contact information in your filter results in order to reserve those rooms.
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These 2 menus currently can be accessed from this link. Other than those menus (especially for students), please click SIGN IN SSO below. We appologize for the inconvenience.
Students log in through the library website http://library.umn.ac.id ; Students reserve a discussion room and input the desired schedule; Students entrust student identification cards to the librarian; The duration of discussion room utilization is at least one hour and a maximum of two hours
Contact Information. Contact: Office of Classroom Management Email: classrm@umn.edu Form: Twin Cities General Purpose Classrooms
Air Cond (Central) Assistive Listening; Camera - Instructor Pan/Tilt/Zoom; Campus Telephone; ... Contact: Office of Classroom Management Email: classrm@umn.edu Form: Twin Cities General Purpose Classrooms A black and white pin Campus Map A bullet list of items Equipment Instructions A calendar ... For Students, Faculty, and Staff. One Stop;